The new radar sensor VEGAPULS 64, with its high signal frequency of 80 GHz, has opened up new options in contactless level measurement applications that were previously considered extremely difficult.
When VEGAPULS 64 was introduced to the market in 2016, even specialists were surprised at how many possibilities this new instrument created. The reaction was the same two years earlier when the first radar transmitter for bulk solids, was launched, which also operates at the same high frequency of 80 GHz.
The crucial difference from previous radar level measuring instruments is the frequency: 80 GHz instead of the usual 26 GHz. This allows a focusing of the radar beam that is more than three times better, which in turn has a whole series of positive effects on the measurement. The very narrow measuring beam has a positive effect not only in applications with numerous tank internals, but also in applications with media that until now could not be readily measured with radar technology due to their poor reflectivity (very low dielectric constant). Even in applications with foam, extremely turbulent product surfaces, condensate or build up on the antenna, the higher measurement certainly now guarantees more reliable measuring results.
However, in many whiskey distilleries the situation is different, the taxable alcohol is accurately measured by compact radar-based instruments from VEGA. These are linearized with specialist tank calibration charts. Before the whiskey is filled into wooden barrels for long-term maturation, it is stored temporarily in stainless steel, securely padlocked spirit vats, which are under ‘customs and excise’ control. Radar sensors are the perfect solution for precise measurement of the quantities in these spirit storage vats.