Interview Marcel Schrempp

Anja Fehrenbacher
How long have you been at VEGA?
10 years.

Always here in the electronics? Or did you work in other departments?
I started here in the test facility and later became the section manager for this area.

What exactly do you do in this department?
Our task is towards the end of the electronics manufacturing. We do the final process on the circuit boards received from our surface mount production centre to create the finished sensor modules. The completed electronics modules get installed into the sensors in their respective assembly departments. So we are, in essence, a supplier for all the other production areas. 
And this last step is where the electronics are encapsulated in a special potting compound?
Yes, exactly. Nearly all the electronics modules (about 90%) are sealed in this material. The potting compound protects the electronics at the heart of the sensor. The compound is a two-component adhesive, that’s why we always need two drums. The two components are mixed with one another just before use. After the material is poured into the electronics, they go into a curing oven for around 6 hours where it sets to form a gel, which safeguards our sensor electronics from moisture, humidity, current leakage and voltage flashovers.

How much potting compound do you get through?

Both drums hold a total of 400 litres. We exchange these barrels 1 to 2 times a week.
How was the level in the drums measured before VEGAPULS 64 was deployed?
The old measuring system used a capacitive probe. The disadvantage of this was that you had to disconnect the device from power, so you could then unscrew it, as it was mounted in a threaded fitting, and then pull it out with the entire rod with product still on it. It was a really awkward process. 
Now it’s much easier with the VEGAPULS 64. 
Is the radar sensor screwed onto the drums or just resting on top of them?
We have an adapter that is screwed into the drums. The sensor itself is loose. You simply lift it off, unscrew the adapter and then mount them back in the same way onto a new drum.

That sounds much easier. Do you use VEGAPULS 64 for other measuring tasks?

This is the only one in this department, but in the surface mount board production another one is being used – in the wave soldering facility. The sensor is also really well suited for the small containers used in there.

What is your opinion of VEGAPULS 64?

The device works very reliably and has many advantages over other measuring principles. Its also one that we made! What more could you want !? 



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