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Technology Days 2018

A big thank you to everyone who attended Technology Days 2018! We enjoyed having you on our campus for two full days of process measurement instrumentation education and a little fun. We appreciate you sharing your time and your thoughts with all of us here at VEGA.

VEGA Technology Days 2018 was an exclusive event open to VEGA Americas customers. They came from all over to gain a deeper knowledge of VEGA’s measurement technology through seminars, hands-on demonstrations, and a number of discussions both large and small.
Welcome and orientation:

Attendees arrived at the hotel throughout the day, and that evening, VEGA welcomed them while sharing some food, drinks, and enlightening conversation.

Day 1: All about Process Measurement Instrumentation

The first full day began with a welcome from VEGA’s leadership team, inviting them to learn as much as they can, ask questions, and of course, have a little fun, too.

Day 2: The VEGA Tour and A Lot Of Discussion

The second day began with a tour of VEGA’s campus where everyone received a souvenir to build. The afternoon was filled with industry discussion with other attendees and VEGA experts to help find solutions for some of their toughest applications. The evening concluded with a speaker on IIoT during dinner at Paul Brown Stadium. After dinner, everyone was treated to a behind-the-scenes tour ending on the field.

Technology Days may be over, but the learning never ends. Follow us on LinkedIn and keep up to date on our blog!

See you next time!

If you missed us this year, or you’re interested in coming back, we’ll be doing this again.

Check back here for updates!
