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VEGABAR 82: Pressure sensor with ceramic measuring cell
Pressure transmitter with ceramic measuring cell
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VEGABAR 82: Pressure sensor with ceramic measuring cell
Pressure transmitter with ceramic measuring cell
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VEGABAR 82: Pressure sensor with ceramic measuring cell
Pressure transmitter with ceramic measuring cell

Try the VEGABAR 82 free for 90 days! 

Low-maintenance ceramic pressure transmitter offers maximum reliability 

The VEGABAR 82 is a universal pressure sensor for the measurement of gases, vapors, and liquids. With its abrasion-resistant ceramic cell, the VEGABAR 82 can withstand the abuses of heavy industry. Plus, the innovative ceramic measuring cell is resistant to temperature shock, eliminating the need for ongoing recalibrations.

Think the VEGABAR 82 is right for you?

Use the form on this page to sign up today for a free 90-day trial and see for yourself. A member of our team will contact you to get started.

* Required ** Terms and conditions may apply. Please talk to your VEGA salesperson to learn more

Information on data protection when contacting us

 step 1


Step 1:

Complete the form on this page

 step 2


Step 2:

A VEGA representative will contact you to learn more about your application

vegabar 82 icon


Step 3:

The sensor will be delivered for you to install at your facility

 90 day trial

Step 4:

90 days later, you either pay for the sensor, or we'll take it back free of charge

Not the right pressure sensor for you?

We have pressure sensors for every application in any industry. Explore our line of pressure sensors today.
