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Spotkaj się z naszymi ekspertami online podczas VEGA Live Demo

Pokazujemy aplikacje na żywo, odpowiadamy na pytania i zapewniamy najnowsze informacje na temat technologii w oparciu o szeroką wiedzę na temat branży i zastosowań. Wszystkie informacje są prezentowane w wygodnej formie 30-minutowych demo online lub jako nagrania dostępne w dowolnym momencie.


Czy jesteś gotów na to, aby procesy przetwarzania materiałów sypkich stały się prostsze?

Sonda radarowa do każdego zastosowania

Im lepiej technologia pomiarowa jest dopasowana do Twoich aplikacji, tym efektywniej możesz pracować. Nasi eksperci w zakresie radarowej technologii pomiaru Jürgen Skowaisa, Vanessa Thimm i Stefan Kaspar dają impuls dla optymalizacji Twoich procesów skupiając się na takich zagadnieniach jak "uniwersalne rozwiązania, które jednocześnie spełniają najwyższe wymagania, kompaktowe urządzenia do prostych aplikacji i samowystarczalne czujniki do mobilnych silosów"

Od prostych do złożonych procesów: oto, co potrafi radarowa technologia pomiaru poziomu

Zarówno w przypadku automatyki procesów, jak i fabryk, kiedy potrzebny jest pomiar poziomu, radar jest najlepszą metodą. Jednak jak różne czujniki radzą sobie w procesach higienicznych i które z nich najlepiej sprawdzą się w poszczególnych aplikacjach?

Nasi eksperci odpowiedzą na te pytania podczas VEGA Live Demo "From compact to extreme: This is what radar level measurement technology can do".

Experience measurably good dairy processes | Expert Talk “Dairy”

Experience and end-to-end automation are absolutely essential in modern milk production. Because, a safe, delicious product can only be achieved when the right amount of passion and the very best measurement technology are involved.
Do you have all control levers in view? Do you know which process steps are especially promising when it comes to optimisation?
In this exclusive Expert Talk session organised by VEGA and FrieslandCampina Kievit, experienced dairy technologists and instrumentation specialists  sit down together at one table.

Gotowy na prostsze pomiary poziomu?

THE 6X® - Kochamy wiarygodne wartości. Podobnie jak nasza sonda radarowa.

Im lepiej technologia pomiarowa pasuje do aplikacji, tym bardziej wydajna będzie Twoja praca. Koncentrując się na "maksymalnej precyzji, podniesionym bezpieczeństwie i przyjemności użytkowania", nasi eksperci od radarów Jürgen Skowaisa i Florian Burgert dają nowy impuls dla Twoich aplikacji.

Optimal hygiene and productivity: Measurement technology for the food and pharmaceutical industry

VEGA sensors are the right "ingredient" in the processing of raw materials in food production. They make up a complete range of measuring instruments for precise and safe drug production. The portfolio includes innovative sensors for level and pressure – with certified hygienic design and high temperature resistance as well as resistance to aggressive cleaning processes. By adding compact pressure sensors and level switches, VEGA has become a full-range supplier for hygiene-sensitive processes.

More visibility in processes: New pressure sensors and level switches

Which sensor feature is especially important in my application? Today there are many different solutions with pressure sensors and level switches, however, they cannot always be compared 1 to 1. VEGA specifies the reliability and efficiency criteria and supports the user in selecting the right sensor. There is great potential in the use of the sensors – but the basis for all use lies in fulfilling the requirements specified in approvals and legal regulations.

Measurement technology for perfect tomato enjoyment

The tomato is the star of our VEGA live demo. Here, we ring in summer gusto with the optimal level and pressure instrumentation for tomato processing.  Let us serve you abundantly. We show live and in detail how easy it is to optimise each of the process steps in tomato processing.
Our industry experts Valentina Lombardo and Mario Ruggeri will show you why they are so excited about VEGA measurement technology.

Measurement accuracy you can taste |
Reliable measurement technology for liquid foods

Whether mustard, juice or sauce: From storage and mixing tanks to filling stations to CIP systems – we show live and in detail how easy it is to optimise and ideally reproduce each of the process steps in liquid food production.

For this event, our industry experts Rob Smulders and Julian Armbruster have combined exactly the right portions of measurement technology and industry know-how. 

Pharma processes without risks and side effects |
Instrumentation for strict pharma requirements

Keeping cleanrooms clean is a lot of work. It would be easier if employees had to enter the cleanroom less often – while still being able to keep an eye on what’s going on inside. This is just one of the many challenges that VEGA measurement technology offers solutions for, as will be shown in the live demo “Pharma.”
Join our experts Florian Burgert and Natalie Waldecker online and find out more: from upstream to downstream, from CIP/SIP to single use.

Compact, low-cost and unbeatable: New sensors for water and wastewater

Radar or ultrasonics? Which one is the best technology for wastewater treatment and drinking water supply systems? In live tests, VEGA explains the differences between the two measuring principles and shows how the new 80 GHz level sensors perform in a direct comparison. The new generation of VEGAMET controllers provides the additional boost in efficiency. VEGA presents this unbeatable combination and demonstrates the many possible uses in practice.

The new compact radar instrument series has been specially optimised for applications in wastewater treatment. Clarification plants all over the world can thus rely on VEGA technology for optimal measuring results. Experience and learn about the advantages of the new instrument series in a 30-minute live demo presented by our product specialists. 

Clear drinking water requires reliable level and pressure monitoring

To ensure the supply of high-quality drinking water today and in the future, reliable, continuous level and pressure monitoring is required at every stage in drinking water production. In deep wells, rivers and lakes, chemical tanks and supply lines, VEGA sensors ensure correct levels and pressures as well as maintenance-free operation.

From simple to challenging: How radar optimises your bulk solids applications

With radar technology that is robust, flexible and economical all at the same time, VEGA is setting the course for more efficient production processes involving bulk solids. The deployment spectrum of the new VEGAPULS C series now includes simple, basic applications. Experience in our live demo how "radar for any situation" works. From standard applications to unconventional and complex ones: how the technology measures reliably, regardless of dust, noise or temperature fluctuations. And above all, how it performs in direct comparison with ultrasonics. 

EVERY FISH COUNTS | A close look inside efficient aquaculture

From feed silos and rearing tanks to transport vessels and ensilage containers, we will show in detail how easy it is to optimise each of the process steps.

Our industry experts Pal Kvam and Nils Christian Aas will be featuring a wide variety of measuring instruments and industry know-how in their programme.

“Shipping Industry” | Ahoy and welcome on board

Anyone who builds ships nowadays has to think big. Dimensions are constantly increasing, as are the demands on safety and efficiency. Whether on or under deck, VEGA level and pressure sensors optimise decisive ship operating criteria such as sulphur emissions, energy consumption, fuel efficiency and ballast water management.

How to participate in the live demos

1. Register

Sign up for one or more topics on the date of your choice.

2. Confirmation

You will then receive a confirmation of your registration.

3. Participation

Please join the meeting on time.
