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Coupling vessel

Level measurement in the coupling vessel

Process data

Measuring task:
Level measurement
Measuring point:
Measuring range up to:
10 m
Azo dye
Process temperature:
0 ... +5 °C
Process pressure:
0 … 0 bar
Special challenges:
Agitator, foam


The main reaction in colour pigment production takes place in the ‘coupling’ vessel. So named as a type of coupling reaction occurs here to form a synthetic ‘azo dye’, which is then converted into different colour pigments in subsequent process steps. An agitator in the tank ensures constant mixing of the azo dye. Additionally, ice is added for cooling, as otherwise the individual components of the reaction would decompose. Level measurement is required to ensure a smooth process flow.

Your benefit

Reliable measurement, even under difficult process conditions
Cost effective
Maintenance-free operation of the plant
User friendly
Simple installation and commissioning

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