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Froth flotation cell

Density-compensated level measurement in flotation cells

Density-compensated level measurement in flotation cells
Density-compensated level measurement in flotation cells

Process data

Measuring task:
Density and level measurement
Measuring point:
Measuring range up to:
1 m
Suspended solids in liquid
Process temperature:
+25 ... +35 °C
Process pressure:
+80 ... +200 mbar
Special challenges:
Density changes, buildup, abrasion, turbulent medium surface


To work efficiently, flotation cells depend on continuous froth formation. If the froth layer is too thin, it cannot transport the sufficient amount of dispersed or suspended particles to the surface. On the other hand, froth that is too thick indicates that the reaction time of the chemicals is too long. This has the consequence that too little of the medium gets processed. A density-compensated level measurement is the reliable solution in this process: this ensures that the density of the liquid remains constant and optimizes the process yields over a long period.

Your benefit

Reliable measurement without capillaries, impulse lines or mechanical parts
Cost effective
High process efficiency thanks to optimum foam level
User friendly
Low-maintenance, wear-free operation with ceramic measuring cells

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