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Radiometric sensor for continuous level measurement

Rod detector


Application area

SOLITRAC 31 is ideal for use on cylindrical vessels, reactors, autoclaves, separators and mixing vessels. SOLITRAC offers extraordinarily high accuracy over the entire measuring range.
The SOLITRAC 31 is a radiation-based sensor with PVT rod detector for continuous measurement of liquids and bulk solids. It is suitable for level measurement under extreme process conditions, with critical product features or in aggressive products. The SOLITRAC 31 is ideal for use in cylindrical vessels, reactors, autoclaves, separators and mixing vessels.

Your benefit

  • Best measurement performance through PVT detector with maximum sensitivity
  • Simple mounting through supplied accessory
  • High plant availability through non-contact measurement

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Other applications


Buildup measurement in cyclones

Buildup measurement in cyclones

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Storage tanks for highly toxic liquids

Level measurement and point level detection in highly toxic media

Level measurement and point level detection in highly toxic media

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Lime kiln

Level measurement in the lime kiln

Level measurement in the lime kiln

To the application
