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Silo for crushed glass

Level measurement and point level detection in the crushed glass, or cullet, silo

Level measurement and point level detection in the crushed glass, or cullet, silo
Level measurement and point level detection in the crushed glass, or cullet, silo

Process data

Measuring task:
Level measurement and point level detection
Measuring point:
Measuring range up to:
0 … 15 m
Crushed waste glass
Process temperature:
-5 … +40 °C
Process pressure:
0 … 0 bar
Special challenges:
Noise and dust during filling, poor reflective properties


Glass is made of quartz sand, lime and soda, which are melted together at extremely high temperatures up to 1600 °C. This melting process is very energy intensive and for that reason, more easily melted waste glass is also often added into the mix. After delivery, the waste glass is first crushed and freed from impurities. The material, known as cullet, is then transported and filled into a silo, where it is fed to the melting process. To ensure a continuous supply of material to the furnace, a reliable level measurement in the cullet silo is required.

Your benefit

Reliable measurement enables a continuous supply of material to the furnace
Cost effective
Non-contact measurement, long service life
User friendly
Blockage detection makes additional monitoring superfluous

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