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Your contact person for seminar registration

Linda Palley

Bilingual Service Coordinator

Seminars & workshops

Our commitment does not end with just delivering a high-quality sensor. We also support you with our experience and constantly expanding know-how. We use seminars and workshops to expand our customers’ knowledge regarding the installation, setup and use of VEGA measuring systems.

The content of a seminar or workshop depends on the target group, which might be planners and project managers, measurement and control technicians or industrial electricians. A basic knowledge of electrical and measurement technology is a prerequisite for taking part.

Industry seminars

To the seminars

Your instructors

Doug Burnett

Customer Service Lead & Radiation Safety Officer

Training at VEGA

VEGA Americas understands that training is an essential part of developing a productive workforce that has the skills and knowledge needed for the field. VEGA offers a variety of training solutions that combine hands-on experience and in-depth instruction to meet your company’s training and development needs. We also offer professional development hours (PDH) to meet the continuing education needs of licensed engineers.


The VEGATRUCK is an immersive instrumentation lab on wheels. Demonstration models, complete with VEGA sensors, illustrate the multitude of technologies VEGA uses for level, point level, pressure measurements, and more.

Learn more about VEGATRUCK



Current Training Classes

Radiation Safety Officer Training (RSO)

This 40-hour training class is designed for those who intend to become Radiation Safety Officers and any who desire the highest level of training the industry has to offer. Based on NUREG 1556, this course meets all of the requirements of the NRC and Agreement States for RSO training. Upon successful completion of the course, attendees receive a certificate to use for application to the appropriate licensing agency.
Texas Icon


Texas | $2,585 


September 22-26, 2025

California Icon

Newport Beach

California | $2,585


May 5-9, 2025

Virtual Icon


Virtual | $2,330 


August 18-22, 2025

RSO Review Training

This 16-hour training class is designed for those who have previously taken a 40-hour Radiation Safety Officer course. Based on NUREG 1556, this course meets all of the requirements of the NRC and Agreement States for RSO training. A review class is recommended every two to three years.
Ohio Icon


Ohio | $1,050


Coming soon!

Texas Icon


Texas | $1,050


Coming soon!

California Icon

Newport Beach

California | $1,050


Coming soon!

Virtual Icon


Virtual | $935 


October 7-8, 2025

Basic Startup and Commissioning

This 8-hour training class introduces PACTware and VEGA’s Device Type Managers (DTMs).
Ohio Icon


Ohio | $395


Coming soon!

California Icon

Newport Beach

California | $395


April 1, 2025

August 20, 2025

Virtual Icon


Advanced Startup and Commissioning

This 16-hour training class is held in our state-of-the-art instrumentation lab and instructs on the use of PACTware and VEGA Device Type Managers (DTMs) to setup, troubleshoot, and calibrate VEGA instruments. This course is primarily hands-on and provides advanced exercises that simulate real-world examples.
California Icon

Newport Beach

California | $1,630


May 20 – 21, 2025

Principles of Level & Pressure Measurement

This 16-hour training class introduces technologies used in process instrumentation for level and pressure measurements. In-depth instruction and hands-on exercises instruct on the principles of operation, applications, benefits, and limitations to the following technologies: ultrasonic, non-contact radar, guided wave radar, vibration and capacitance switching, pressure, and radiometric.
Ohio Icon


Texas Icon


Texas | $1,050


Coming Soon!

California Icon

Newport Beach

California | $1,050


Coming Soon!

Radiometric Measurement for Level and Density

This training class introduces radiometric measurements for level and/or density applications. In-depth instruction and hands-on exercises instruct on the setup, calibration, and linearization of VEGA radiometric instruments.

In-Person at a VEGA site - Level or Density $780 | In-Person at a VEGA site - Level and Density $1,560 per person
Ohio Icon


Ohio | $1,560


May 14-15, 2025

Texas Icon


Texas | $1,560


September 3-4, 2025

California Icon

Newport Beach



Coming Soon!

Radiation Safety for Gauge Users Training

This 8-hour training class is designed to give operation and maintenance personnel the knowledge they need to work safely with and around radiometric gauges. Based on NUREG 1556, this course meets all of the requirements of the NRC and Agreement States for Authorized Users training.
Ohio Icon


Ohio | $390


Coming soon!

Texas Icon


Texas | $390


Coming soon!

California Icon

Newport Beach

California | $390


Coming soon!

Our training rooms

VEGA Training Booth Exhibition Room

Demonstration areas

Here you can see and experience first-hand how our measurement technology works in real applications.
VEGA Training

Seminar rooms

Our seminar rooms with state-of-the-art equipment provide the best possible basis for your training success.
Our seminar offerings


The VEGATRUCK training courses held on your premises are as diverse and flexible as the measuring instruments themselves.
VEGA Exhibition


We regularly present our new products for your industry at trade fairs.
Come and visit us!
