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See the recording of the live demo: In this video our product managers will show you the functionality and advantages of the new instruments.

Clear drinking water requires reliable level and pressure monitoring

To ensure the supply of high-quality drinking water today and in the future, reliable, continuous level and pressure monitoring is required at every stage in drinking water production. In deep wells, rivers and lakes, chemical tanks and supply lines, VEGA sensors ensure correct levels and pressures as well as maintenance-free operation.

View the new radar sensors

Radar measurement technology in wastewater treatment

The new compact radar instrument series has been specially optimised for applications in wastewater treatment. Clarification plants all over the world can thus rely on VEGA technology for optimal measuring results. Experience and learn about the advantages of the new instrument series in a 30-minute live demo presented by our product specialists.

View the new radar sensors

Compact, low-cost and unbeatable: New sensors for water and wastewater

Radar or ultrasonics? Which one is the best technology for wastewater treatment and drinking water supply systems? In live tests, VEGA explains the differences between the two measuring principles and shows how the new 80 GHz level sensors perform in a direct comparison. The new generation of VEGAMET controllers provides the additional boost in efficiency. VEGA presents this unbeatable combination and demonstrates the many possible uses in practice.

View the new radar sensors
