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Wireless communication

The wireless communication devices are used when measured values have to be transferred from remote monitoring stations or mobile tanks to data collection centers. They also enable wireless remote diagnostics and maintenance of the connected sensors.

The advantages

  • Simple operation through the use of open and standardized frequency bands
  • High flexibility thanks to free choice of wireless network
  • Ideal for use in connection with VEGA Inventory System, the software for automatic inventory monitoring

Step by step to the right sensor

What would you like to measure?


LoRa Gateway

LoRa Gateway

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Measured data enquiry and remote parameter adjustment for a HART sensor

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SignalFire Ranger

SignalFire Ranger

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for supply of PLICSMOBILE and the connected HART sensors

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for charging the external battery unit PLICSMOBILE B81

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Wireless router

Wireless router

Wireless router for wireless measured value transmission

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Wireless antenna

Wireless antenna

External wireless antenna for connection to wireless router

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Bluetooth USB adapter

Bluetooth USB adapter

wireless connection from a PC/notebook to a VEGA device with integrated Bluetooth

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Identification card

Identification card

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No image available

User fee identification card

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Sensor adjustment via smartphone and tablet: Secure and convenient with Bluetooth

Measured value indication, parameterisation and diagnosis

The Bluetooth function allows wireless adjustment of a sensor from a distance of approx. 50 meters. This saves time and reduces the risk for personnel, especially if the sensor is located at a measuring point that is difficult to access or in a harsh environment or Ex area.

Bluetooth Sensor Bedienung über Smartphone

The advantages of wireless sensor operation

  • Secure connection through PIN and encryption
  • Ideal for use in high tanks and in areas difficult to access
  • Ideal for Ex areas
  • Simple retrofitting for all plics® sensors since 2002 with PLICSCOM
More information

📱 Is sensor operation with Bluetooth secure? | VEGA talk

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