Full name Website Core porduct Your Industry Your role in the company Your Email Location of production site VEGA sensor in use Medium/Media Measuring range/distance Process temperature Ambient temperature 1. General process information (about customer)a) How you produce? b) How does the manufacturing process work? c) Where do you use VEGA sensors? d) Which VEGA instruments, which measuring principle is used? Since when? e) Why was this measuring solution chosen (Were there alternatives?) f) If known: How was this process carried out before it was monitored by sensors? 2. Application informationa) How does the process look where VEGA sensors are used? b) What are the general conditions? b.1 Temperature: b.2 Pressure: b.3 Chemical resistance: b.4 Approvals: b.5 Process fittings: c) What challenges do VEGA sensors experience at your production site? (e.g. dirt, steam, turbulent surface of the medium, agitators, temperature, vibration, Ex, SIL…) d) Why are measurements necessary for your process? e) Which VEGA sensors are installed? Where are they located? And how are they used? f) What problems, if any, occurred before using VEGA sensors? How was the process working with the previous measurement method? g) What date were the VEGA sensors installed and commissioned (month/year)? h) Did a VEGA engineer set the device up or did you do it yourself? Tell us about your experience i) What convinced you to use VEGA sensors in your application? j) Are there any special industry-related facts you would like to share? 3. Environmenta) Please feel free to give as many details as possible about the site (e. g. How many containers are in use? What do the surroundings look like? Is it clean, a bit dusty? What kind of space is the location – high ceilings, tight space, wide open, cramped? 4. Arguments in favor of VEGA sensorsa) What are the advantages of using VEGA sensors? Are there any measurable cost/time benefits after installing VEGA sensors? b) How did you find VEGA and its sensors? 5. About VEGA in generala) How long have you been working with VEGA? b) Can you tell us anything about VEGA that separates it from everyone else? 6. Contact persona) May we mention and/or quote you by name in the article? b) If yes, please mention your exact job title. If you have any additional comments or suggestions, please feel free to share them below. *RequiredInformation on data protection when contacting us