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Submersible pressure transmitter with ceramic measuring cell

With ceramic measuring cell

Application area

For level measurement in wells, basins and open tanks. Maximum sensor length: Cable 250 m, tube 6 m. Can be combined with any other sensor of VEGABAR Series 80 for electronic differential pressure measurement.
The VEGABAR 86 is a submersible pressure transmitter for level measurement in wells, basins and open vessels. Thanks to the flexibility through different cable and tube versions, VEGABAR 86 can be used in various applications. The simple connection of VEGABAR series 80 sensors as electronic differential pressure opens new possibilities for the measurement of differential pressures.

Your benefit

  • Low maintenance costs thanks to wear-free ceramic measuring cell
  • High plant availability through maximum overload and vacuum resistance of the ceramic measuring cell
  • Self-cleaning effect through front-flush installation

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Technical specifications
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Submersible pressure transmitter for level measurement of water, acids and alkalis

Specially optimized for measurement of water, alkalis, acids and other chemically aggressive liquids, the submersible pressure transmitter VEGABAR 86 with ceramic measuring cell finds application in a wide range of industries – from water level measurement in the wastewater sector to level measurement in the chemical industry or in food production.

The submersible pressure transmitter with ceramic measuring cell is ideal for: 

  • chemically stable level measurement in ultrapure water 
  • water level measurement with two suspension pressure transmitters for lock control 
  • Maintenace-free level measurement in waste water shafts

Other applications

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Density measurement in mud tanks

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Density-compensated level measurement in flotation cells

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