Coaling station
Flue gas desulfurization plant
Water-steam cycle
Coal surge bin ILevel measurement and point level detection in the coal surge bin
Coal surge bin IILevel measurement and point level detection in the coal surge bin
Belt transfer stationLevel measurement at the belt transfer station
Coal stockpileHeight measurement of the coal stockpile
Wet deslaggerLevel measurement in the wet deslagger
Fly ash silo, ash bunkerLevel measurement and point level detection in the fly ash silo or bunker
Silo for filter dustLevel measurement and point level detection in the filter dust silo
Oil feed tankLevel measurement in the turbine oil feed tank
Ammonia feed tankLevel measurement in the feed tank
Lime milk pipelineDensity measurement in lime milk
Level measurement in the raw water basinWater treatment
Wet gypsum storage hall ILevel measurement in the wet gypsum storage hall
Wet gypsum storage hall IIStockpile height measurement on a gypsum scraper
Reversing conveyorLevel measurement in the discharge area of the gypsum conveyor
Turbine steam linePressure measurement in the steam line
Receiving tank for feed waterLevel detection in a feed water receiving tank
Water vapour lineFlow measurement in the steam line
Absorber pumpPressure measurement at the absorber pump
Lime milk storage tankLevel measurement and point level detection in the lime milk storage tank
Storage tanks for acidsLevel measurement and point level detection in storage tanks for acids
Wastewater basinWastewater basin level measurement
Storage tanks for fire waterLevel measurement in fire water storage tanks
Cooling tower basinCooling tower basin level measurement
Steam drumLevel measurement and point level detection in the steam drum
Heating condenserHeating condenser level measurement
Fuel oil storage tanksFuel oil storage tank level measurement
Cooling water pumpsDry run protection in the cooling water system
Lime silo ILevel measurement and point level detection in the lime silo
Lime silo IILevel measurement and point level detection in the lime silo
Combustion air pipeCombustion air flow measurement
Feed belt to the coal millQuantity measurement on the feed belt to the coal mill
Steam pipeCondensate detection in the water-steam cycle
Conveyor belts for coalMass flow measurement on conveyor belts
Adipic acid mixing tankLevel measurement and point level detection in adipic acid mixing tank
AbsorberLevel measurement in the absorber
Cooling water intakeLevel measurement in the cooling water intake