Q. What are my licensing and paperwork requirements?

A. Different countries have different licensing requirements for radiometric technology.

In the United States, you can take receipt of a source holder in one of two ways: 1.) General License - complete a PIR (Possessor Identification Record) form and send it back to a VEGA Americas licensing specialist, or 2.) Specific License through the Nuclear Regulatory Commission or an Agreement State.

In Canada, you are required to be approved and licensed by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Committee (CNSC).


Q. Is it difficult to get a license to use radiometric technology?

A. Not at all. VEGA Americas is ready to assist with the preparation and submission for a corporate license to the appropriate licensing agency. We'll also help train your personnel and aid with the setup of your company's nuclear procedures.


Q. Do our technicians need to be licensed Radiation Safety Officers?

A. Not necessarily. Your company's technicians should be trained on radiation safety principles and should follow site-approved procedures regarding nuclear radiation devices. However, specific licenses – typically those that authorize the possession and use of byproduct material – require a company to have a Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) in charge of the site’s nuclear program and procedures.