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Gravel bed filter

Differential pressure and level measurement in a gravel filter

Process data

Measuring task:
Differential pressure and level measurement
Measuring point:
Filter tank
Measuring range up to:
+3 bar
Untreated water
Process temperature:
+2 … +15 °C
Process pressure:
0 … +3 bar
Special challenges:
Sand and stone particles in the filter material


The suspended matter is filtered out of the water via the sand and gravel filled filter tank. Pressure is applied to pump water through the filter bed. Dirt particles are retained in the filter material. The electronic differential pressure measurement monitors the level of contamination in the filter. As soon as the threshold contamination is exceeded, an automatic cleaning cycle of the filter is triggered.

Your benefit

Approved materials according to FDA and EC 1935/2004, as well as local certification
Cost effective
Optimal flow
User friendly
Function check is possible during operation

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