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Thai Water Expo

The Region's Leading Exhibition and Conference on Water Resource and Wastewater Technology

VEGA Grieshaber KG is presenting new as well as time-tested sensors for measurement of level, point level and pressure. Use this opportunity to learn about our sensors, related services and software.

The main areas of focus at Water and WasteWater are:

Radar sensor for measurement of Water and Wastewater
VEGABAR  for measurement of process pressures
Other sensors for measuring, controlling and regulating processes

We look forward to taking your questions on level and pressure transmitters.

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Al modulo


03/07/2024 - 05/07/2024

Luogo manifestazione

Bangkok / Thailandia

Padiglione / Stand

5-6 / H11

Orari d'apertura

9.00 am - 5.00 pm

Social Media
