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Larger measuring ranges for bulk solids level measurement

Is there such a thing as a universal sensor for bulk solids?
Radar sensors are used in widely different applications, ranging from small bulk solids containers to large warehouses. Up to now, meeting the different application requirements meant that different sensor versions had to be used. Is this still necessary?

The theory
The larger the measuring range, the larger the radiated area. But at the same time, the reflected signals are weaker. These issues make strong focusing and a high dynamic range all the more important.

The solution
The measuring range is an indication of the performance capability of the entire system. Due to its particularly good signal focusing and high dynamic range, VEGAPULS 69  can detect poorly reflecting bulk solids reliably, even at a distance of 120 m. That’s with a cycle time of less than one second and an accuracy of ±5 mm. 
This system is also designed to achieve the very same performance even over very small measuring ranges.

The benefits

  • High performance over small measuring ranges
  • Ideal for very high tanks or Silos
  • Up to 120 m for level or distance measurement

Expert tip:
With its simple mounting bracket for easy installation, the VEGAPULS 69 with its plastic antenna is perfectly suited for distance measurement.

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