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VEGA Inventory System

VEGA offers a system for optimal inventory management: VEGA Inventory System.

Data acquisition, clear visualization and efficient logistics are the core elements of successful, automated inventory control.
The interaction between measurement technology and software plays an important role.


解决原料积压或短缺:利用 VEGA 库存系统 (VIS),企业可实现对库存有针对性的主动管理, 从而更灵活地制订供货计划,拓展优化方案并减少库存错误差异。 

系统可以精确地将库存数据实时可视化,帮助员工快速识别出库存差异或数据不一致, 做到尽可能减少财务影响,快速查清错误成因,并避免错误在未来再次发生。 

系统还具备另一大优势:检查库存时,员工无需再爬上储罐或是筒仓, 由此可提高工作场所的安全性。


准确的测量值是高效监测库存的基础。VEGA 物位计压力变送器以及 VEGA 控制器能够提供可靠的测量数据。 







VEGA 库存系统用于帮助用户实时监测库存情况,使用任意一台联网设备即可访问。VIS 将 VEGA 可靠的物位测量技术与安全的云端平台相结合, 使用精确的测量数据为智慧战略决策提供依据,实现库存管理优化。 


  • 列表:实时显示库存水平,包括库存量、剩余空间和时间戳。对于许多液体应用,还可以额外测算并显示每日消耗量以及储量是否满足生产所需。
  • 图表:清晰明了地记录库存数据, 通过警报阈值来显示库存水平。采用不同的颜色标注库存状态,例如需要补货或物料充足。
  • 地图:在地图上显示监测中的设施及其储罐,同时采用不同的颜色标注库存状态。
  • 趋势:使用走势图,清晰地显示历史与当前数据。


在测量点位置偏远或者需要测量移动式容器时,供电和接线都难以实现,对于此类应用,VEGAPULS Air 系列无线物位计测量精确、采用电池供电、通过移动通信向 VIS 平台传输数据,可在现场轻松投入使用。


VEGA 仪表能够准确可靠地测量筒仓、储罐或其它容器中的物位,测量值被反馈给相连的网关后,再传输至 VIS 平台。


VEGA 网关收集来自相连仪表的测量数据,并按设定的时间间隔定期通过移动通信将数据传输到 VIS 平台。


VEGA 网关或无线仪表接收到的测量值及库存数据可以储存到 VEGA 托管的 VIS 服务器中。所有数据均采用端到端加密保护,只有授权用户才能访问。 


授权用户在任何一台联网设备上,都能够访问 VIS 网站或 VIS App 查看测量值和库存数据。 

Data visualisation

Two different types of views are available to the user for a clear overview of all stock levels and their statuses. 

A range of filter functions allow the user to make a quick overview of requirements by location, product type, level status, alarm levels or other factors.

To allow the user to see at a glance where stocks are still in the green zone, where a delivery will be soon due (yellow) and where replenishment is urgently needed (red), the principle of traffic light colours is integrated through all functions of the program.

Delivery planning

With VEGA Inventory System and the dispatcher tools it contains, logistics planning becomes efficient and easy.

  • Delivery planning: Which driver will take how much of which product, where, when and with which vehicle?
  • History diagram and consumption forecast: Offers an overview of past inventory data to assist with calculation of future usage patterns.
  • Dynamic web map: current overview of tank locations and their statuses

Possible applications

VEGA Inventory System can be used in the following application scenarios:

1. Inventory monitoring within a company

In this model, VEGA Inventory System is used by a company to monitor and manage its own stocks at one or more locations. The software also enables optimal coordination of raw material supplies between the parent plant and its external manufacturing sites.

  • Quick access to current and historical consumption data
  • Economical production and supply planning
  • Increased operational efficiency
  • Cost savings through optimized logistics 

2. Supervision of stock levels by the supplier

In this model, the customer transfers the responsibility for monitoring and replenishing his stocks completely to the supplier. Via the VEGA Inventory System, he allows his supplier access to the   real-time inventory data from his tanks and silos.

Advantages for the supplier
  • Quick access to current and historical customer consumption data
  • Cost-effective production and inventory planning in own company
  • Higher client retention levels
  • Cost savings through optimized logistics
  • Improved relationships and long-term customer loyalty

Advantages for the customer
  • Security of supply: No more "out of stock" situations and costly rush orders
  • Avoidance of production stoppages
  • Cost savings through reduced administrative work
  • Higher efficiency and confidence in stock levels
  • Concentration on core business

Application examples: Level measurement in a diesel tank

Accurate measurement of fuel quantities is vital for good logistics planning, as it ensures that there is always sufficient fuel available for the vehicle fleet. For optimal fuel stocking and distribution, reliable level monitoring and data distribution is an absolute necessity.

To the application


Application examples: Level measurement in a road salt storage silo

In winter, when ice and snow become a problem in many areas, road maintenance teams need to make sure roads, public squares and pathways are safe. The salt needed for this is stored in silos and from there, it is filled into road treatment and snow-clearing vehicles. Reliable level measurement is required here to ensure that enough road salt is always in stock, in the right locations and ready for use. The level data from the silos are transmitted to a central control centre. 

To the application


VEGA 产品系列




PRO 系列中的任何一台传感器都根据行业的具体要求经过优化,并为其应用场合量身定制。



这意味着:“VEGA 制造” 的最佳测量仪表,适用于标准过程和基本用途。


能方便地整合 BASIC 系列中的任何一台传感器,并将它快速投入使用。



在可靠且精确的物位能为工作流程带来增值的移动式应用场合,都可以用上来自 AIR 系列的传感器。

无线标准 LoRA、NBIoT 或 LTEM 将您的数据安全地传输到 VEGA 云服务器中。

