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Always reliable measurement, even with build up and deposits

In the past, contactless level sensors had to be cleaned at regular intervals or freed of deposits by means of a rinsing connection or removal for hand cleaning. With many conventional sensors, buildup or condensation on the process fitting reduces the reliability of the measuring results. Especially in small containers, performance compromises often had to be made.

The solution
The antenna system of VEGAPULS 64 is encapsulated in PTFE or PEEK, so there are no cavities or crevices in which product can accumulate. The surface of the material is very finely processed with diamond tools, which also considerably reduces product adhesion. In addition, special software algorithms filter out interference caused by buildup on the antenna system. Thanks to the high dynamic range of the sensor, signal attenuation caused by product deposits is largely compensated. This allows the level to be reliably detected even with contamination on the sensor.

Always reliable measurement, even with build up and deposits

The benefits:
  • High measurement certainty, even with product deposits collecting during operation
  • Measurement independent of condensation and system quickly available after cleaning cycles
  • Non-contact measurement enables maintenance-free operation
Expert tip:
Extreme product buildup due to condensation or crystallization on the sensor can be significantly reduced if the flange is provided with insulation. Thermal bridges are thus avoided and deposits kept to a minimum.

Condensate and buildup

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