Good focusing delivers security
To reliably detect the level in a vessel, the reflection signal from the medium must be clearly distinguishable from the noise. Two factors determine the beam angle of a radar beam – and thus its focusing – they are: the transmission frequency and the effective antenna size. If the antenna size remains the same, better focusing is achieved by
using a higher frequency.
The solution
VEGAPULS 64, the radar sensor for liquids, operates with a transmission frequency of 80 GHz, this results in a beam angle of only 3°. The radar sensor receives only distinct, definitive reflections from the product surface. This makes the measurement more accurate and reliable. By comparison: a conventional radar sensor with 26 GHz
transmission frequency and an antenna of the same size has a beam angle of approximately 10°. Due to the considerably wider signal beam, agitators, fittings or buildup on the vessel wall cause interference that can affect the measuring result.
The benefits
- Considerably easier setup and commissioning, even with complex vessel internals
- Increased measurement certainty over the entire measuring range through better focusing
- High accuracy, even when the sensor is mounted close to the tank wall
Expert tip:
For maximum measurement certainty, the largest possible antenna system should be chosen during installation. This ensures both optimal focusing and maximum signal strength.
Tanque de dissolução
Medição do nível de enchimento em tanque de dissolução
No tanque de dissolução, são dissolvidos os precursores para a produção de pigmentos. Como precursores, são utilizados principalmente naftóis. Água e soda cáustica são adicionadas como solventes. Um agitador mistura uniformemente as substâncias adicionadas. A medição do nível de enchimento fornece resultados confiáveis ao sistema central de controle.
Medição independente da condições do processo
Funcionamento seguro livre de manutenção
Uso fácil
Fácil instalação por cima através de um pequeno ângulo de abertura
Tanque de mistura para queijo processado
Medição de nível no tanque de mistura para queijo processado
Na fabricação de queijo processado, tipos diferentes de queijo são misturados em um tanque e derretidos. O queijo gruda nas paredes do reservatório e é raspado. Uma medição confiável do nível de enchimento é necessária para garantir uma produção ininterrupta.
Materiais homologados conforme FDA e CE 1935/2004
Limpeza fácil sem necessidade de desmontagem
Uso fácil
Fácil comissionamento
Aroma vessel
Level measurement in an aroma vessel
A wide variety of aromas and flavourings are used in the food industry. The containers which store these ingredients until further processing often have small dimensions and internal obstructions. They are cleaned several times a day during batch changes. Level measurement is essential for cost-effective stocking of these ingredients.
Reliable measurement for all liquid media
Reliable measurement for all liquid media
plics® concept: short delivery time and standardized operation
User friendly
Reliable measurement even with internals
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