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New at VEGA: Technology talk on YouTube

"VEGA talk" is the new monthly series on the VEGA YouTube channel. Read the 10 questions to Tom and Stefan, the faces of the new explanatory video series.

The faces of VEGA talk

The two faces of the VEGA talk format are Tom Mulvey and Stefan Sum. Both are "real life" VEGA employees, normally working behind a computer screen, not in front of a camera like on filming days! Tom’s PC has been in many departments since 2013, when he started his apprenticeship at VEGA; nowadays, he is a permanent employee in the sales department. Stefan Sum has been working for VEGA for 28 years and is a long-standing expert in test equipment design.

For both of them, this new role is not as easy as the finished result suggests. Despite having great talent, which was confirmed by their successful screen tests, the two are faced with completely new challenges during the filming for YouTube. And they’ve had to invest a lot of effort in it. So we were really pleased that the duo were able to quickly answer our 10 questions:

Tom Mulvey

1. Your first videos will soon appear on the VEGA  YouTube channel. How do you feel about that?
Tom: I’m especially curious how the response will turn out, because there is no guarantee that a YouTube series will be a sure-fire success. We have a few nervous flutters, but of course that’s just part of the game.

2. What topics does VEGA talk focus on?
Stefan: Basically, it's everything across the board that our customers have expressed an interest in recently. Other topics come from the marketing team, but there is always room for our own ideas, too.

3. Who exactly are you targeting?
Tom: Primarily our customers. Our goal is: Explain concisely – make sure everything is clear.

4. Why were you two chosen as “performers”?
Stefan: When we took part in the casting, we found that a lot of fun. Maybe that’s why we were so at ease in the rehearsals. To put it in a nutshell: I think the casters from our marketing department will know better why they chose us.

5. How long do you need on average for a shoot?
Tom: Definitely longer than you might think. About half an hour for a 5-minute film.
Stefan: No! More like half a day! Of course we are getting more and more experienced, but scene changes, role changes: Filming and getting it right all takes time, its not a quick process.

Stefan Sum

6. Do you have any experience with video shooting?
Tom: No, none at all (laughing).
Stefan: A little theatre experience. But that was mainly about memorising lines. Shooting videos is completely different, the whole process is much more relaxed.

7. What do you enjoy most about filming?

Tom: Seeing how the end result turns out and that it has real benefits. 

8. What is the most difficult thing for you when shooting?
Stefan: The occasional countless repetitions of the same words - until it finally sticks. 
Tom: Discovering scenes that you’re not quite happy with when the video finished.

9.How often can we expect to see new videos from you from now on? How often will you go online?
Stefan: For the time being we plan to go online once a month. 

10. And finally, how do you yourself assess the relevance of YouTube for our industry?
Stefan: Definitely very high. The platform allows us to convey a lot of content to a large audience in a very short time. Hopefully this will be more exciting, at least for most people, than reading operating instructions, and I think if we do it right, we will be able to meet the needs of our customers completely with just a few images and words.

Thank you for the interview! We hope your viewers have fun watching VEGA talk. And, to both of you, good luck with the format and the many episodes you’ll be shooting in the coming months!
Don’t want to miss any episodes of VEGA talk with Tom and Stefan? Then please subscribe to our channel:


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